Malcolm Kayser Computer Training Limited

Courses in Programming (including Cobol), UNIX, Linux, IBM Mainframe,
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This concise course provides details of the differences between C++ and Java, and discusses how specific concepts like File Handling and Networking is implemented in Java.



This course is aimed specifically at experienced 'C' or C++ application programmers.


Experience in using 'C' or an Object-Oriented language such as C++.


Two days.  The course uses a mixture of quick desk quizzes and short hands-on practical exercises.

Course objectives

On completion of this course the delegate will be able to:

Course contents

Introduction to Java Programming
What is Java?; Applications and applets; Development Environments; JDK; The Java Virtual Machine (JVM); Producing, compiling and executing; Just-In-Time compilation; CLASSPATH.
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
What is OOP?; Objects and Classes; using Objects; Object references; Constructors; Access modifiers; Packages; Inheritance; Polymorphism; Encapsulation; OOD; the Java API.
Data types and Operators
Coding a program; Reserved words; Data types, variables and operators; Statements and expressions; Strings; StringBuffer; arrays; arguments to main().
Flow Control
Decision-making; program flow control; loops.
Classes and Methods
More on objects; passing arguments; Polymorphism and Abstract classes; constructors and initialization; the this keyword; interfaces; method signatures; casting and instanceof; static and final modifiers; overriding and overloading.
How exception handling works; class hierarchy; class wrappers; try...catch; try...finally; throw and throws; writing and using exception handlers.
File Handling
The File class; Input and output streams; Readers and writers; Standard input and Standard output; File streams; BufferedReader class; Object Serialization; Exceptions.
Protocols; Client - Server; sockets and streams.

page updated: 22/08/11
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