Malcolm Kayser Computer Training Limited

Courses in Programming (including Cobol), UNIX, Linux, IBM Mainframe,
Design Methods and Web design

Telephone: +44 (0)20 8954 1981


The course introduces the fundamentals of Java with particular emphasis on basic OO concepts, and writing efficient and maintainable code.



This is an introductory course for novice developers who have little or no previous programming experience.


Ideally, delegates should have some previous programming experience and knowledge of basic IT concepts.


Four days.  The course uses desk quizzes and hands-on practical exercises to enable the delegate to gain experience in developing Java applications.

Course objectives

On completion of this course the delegate will be able to:

Course contents

Introduction to Java Programming
What is Java?; Applications and applets; Development Environments; JDK; The Java Virtual Machine (JVM); Producing, compiling and executing; Just-In-Time compilation; CLASSPATH.
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
What is OOP?; Objects and Classes; using Objects; Object references; Constructors; Access modifiers; Packages; Inheritance; Polymorphism; Encapsulation; OOD; the Java API.
Data types and Operators
Coding a program; Reserved words; Data types, variables and operators; Statements and expressions; Strings; StringBuffer; arrays; arguments to main(); garbage collection.
Flow Control
Decision-making; program flow control; loops.
Classes and Methods
More on objects; passing arguments; Polymorphism and Abstract classes; constructors and initialization; accessors and mutators; the this keyword; interfaces; method signatures; casting and instanceof; static and final modifiers; overriding and overloading.
Object Oriented Development
The toString method; recursion; hashCode and equals methods; singletons; anonymous inner classes; cloning.
How exception handling works; class hierarchy; Call stacks; class wrappers; try...catch; try...finally; throw and throws; writing and using exception handlers; assertions.
Introducing the Graphical User Interface
The AWT; Swing; Frames; Layout Managers; using Components, Containers and Panels.
Events and Event Handling
Responding to an event; Listeners; GUI event; Interfaces; Adapters.
File Handling
The File class; Input and output streams; Readers and writers; Standard input and Standard output; File streams; BufferedReader class; Object Serialization; Exceptions.

page updated: 22/08/11
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